Saturday 6 May 2023



General Requirements:

  • Turkish citizen or blue card holder,
  • Having at least bachelor’s degree (formal or open education),
  • Born after 01.01.1993,
  • Neither shorter than 160 cm nor longer than 195 cm, and compliance with body mass index (within the range of 20-30),
  • Military service completed, or committing to have military service postponed for at least 2 years as of the training start date,
  • No criminal record or criminal archive record,
  • Not having quitted jobs in Turkish Airlines Inc. or other organizations due to indiscipline previously,
  • Not having left Turkish Airlines Inc. and its affiliates due to contract termination previously.

Foreign Language (English) Requirement:

  • Certifying the required minimum score from one of the following English language tests taken within the last 2 years as of the application date,
    • TOEFL (IBT): 60 (speaking: min.18)
    • IELTS (Academic or General): 6 (speaking: min.6)
    • PTE (Academic): 46 (speaking: min. 46)

The candidates who cannot submit the language certificate at the application stage shall be given extra time to obtain the language certificate before the Board interview process, provided that they become successful in the language test to be held by Turkish Airlines Inc. TOEFL Home Edition and IELTS Online will not be accepted.

Health Requirement:

Being healthy sufficient to be airworthy (The candidates who are successful in the selection processes are required to obtain medical report confirming that they are healthy sufficient to be airworthy from the healthcare institutions authorized by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation through their own means and have such report approved by Turkish Airlines Inc. Health Management workplace physicians at the employment stage. Even if there is positive report obtained from the institutions authorized by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation, Turkish Airlines Inc. is entitled to decide on whether or not to employ the candidate by requesting additional examinations or depending on additional health requirements within the framework of its own internal procedures.)

For detailed information on health requirements, please click here.

Manner of Application and Procedure to follow:

  • The candidates who meet the abovementioned requirements are required to apply for the advertisement through the internet. Any applications other than internet application shall not be accepted.
  • The candidates who hold language certificate shall be invited for DLR-1 exam. At least bachelor’s degree holder candidates who do not hold language certificate shall be invited for the English test to be held by Turkish Airlines Inc. The candidates who do not meet the criteria cannot continue the process.
  • The candidates can apply with an official letter they will receive from their universities when it is 3 months to their graduation. Such candidates shall be required to submit their diplomas no later than the interview phase.
  • The candidates who become successful at the end of the entire process shall be offered employment, asked to prepare employment documents, and after the candidate delivers the required documents, their employment process shall be completed.

Evaluation Processes for Nominated Candidate First Officers to be Trained:

  • English Test (shall be taken by the candidates who cannot submit language certificate at the application stage)
    The candidate is invited for the test approximately 15 days after their application for the advertisement.
  • DLR-1 Test (Evaluation of Technical Competences)
    The candidate who completes the English process successfully is planned for DLR-1 test to be held within approximately 2 weeks.
  • CRM Evaluation (Evaluation of Personality Traits and Competences)
    The candidate who completes the DLR-1 process successfully is planned for CRM evaluation to be made within approximately 2 weeks.
  • Board Interview, Document Check, and Height-Weight Measurement
    The candidate who completes the CRM evaluation successfully is planned for the board interview to be made within approximately 2 weeks.
  • Health Check (Airworthiness)

For application and CV creation guide, please click here.

Applications will be accepted till 30.06.2023, 03:00pm.

Wednesday 5 April 2023

Lightspeed Aviation - Flight Instructor & Professional Pilot Appreciation Program


Whether you’re a flight instructor making flying safer and enriching the experience of new pilots, or a professional pilot helping corporations and nonprofits achieve their missions, Lightspeed Aviation and Pilots HQ wants to reward you for the hours you spend in the air, and the care and skills you exercise in your profession.

That’s why we are offering a special rebate of $100 when you purchase a Zulu 3 or Tango Lightspeed Aviation headset.

We know you’ll be delighted with your purchase and hope you’ll share your appreciation for Lightspeed products to your students.




                      ORDER NOW

Tuesday 4 April 2023



Book your Boeing 737 Simulator session

1 Hour 115€; 4Hours 420€; 8 Hours 800€

I put my 15+ years of flying experience at your service. Let me know what you want to practice and I will help you out! No minimum experience required!

Book a private Boeing 737 Simulator Training Session BELOW LINK


Tuesday 26 October 2021


 What is the salary of a commercial airline pilot?

In general, commercial airline pilots are receive a very good salary. In the UK and US, Long Haul Captains may get a salary of up to $350,000 / £200,000 a year. First Officers (or the co-pilot) can earn a salary of up to $170,000 / £120,000 a year.

Junior First Officers who are just starting out in their career might only get paid $25,000 (£20,000).

The annual commercial pilot salary can vary quite significantly between countries, airlines and type of operation. In general, the more experience the pilot has and the bigger the aircraft they fly, the higher the pilots salary will be. Long Haul pilots are typically paid more than short haul pilots and Captains are paid more than First Officers. First Officers are often referred to as co-pilots.

United States of America Typical Airline Pilot Salaries

In the United States, the large ‘major’ airlines pay their pilots very good salaries. Carriers like Delta, American Airlines and United Airlines pay their long haul Captains up to $350,000 a year when you take into account allowances and bonuses.

Regional pilots just starting off their career will typically earn a salary of $20,000 – $40,000 a year. Pilots normally start out flying at regional carriers before moving across to major airlines where they fly bigger aircraft and earn more money. However, not all pilots go on to achieve this.

UK & Europe Airline Pilot Salaries

In the UK and Europe, commercial pilots can also expect to earn a good salary. Senior Long Haul Captains flying at airlines like British Airways, Virgin Atlantic, Lufthansa & KLM can be expected to earn between £150,000 – £250,000 a year. This varies depending on length of service, training qualifications, as well as bonuses, allowances and flight pay.

First Officers at short haul low cost airlines like Ryanair, easyJet and Wizz Air can expect to earn up to £80,000 a year whilst a short haul Captain salary ranges up to around £150,000. Regional pilots might start on as little as £20,000 a year for the first few years of their career.


Asia Commercial Pilot Pay

In countries across Asia, such as China, airline pilots were in significant demand before the Covid-19 pandemic. As a result, some companies were offering pilots a salary as high as $500,000 a year for experienced long haul Captains. First Officer pay can also extend upwards of $100,000 a year. Whether these huge salaries continue to be offered as world travel demand starts to recover is yet to be seen.

The average salary for a commercial pilot in India is around 4,687,90o, with Captains earning up to 6,610,000 a year.

Commercial Pilot Salary Breakdown…

Commercial pilots are typically paid a base salary which makes up the majority of their pay. They are then usually given allowances for overnight stays to cover expenses as well as earning flight pay for every flight they operate.

Some airlines also pay the pilot for every hour they are away from their home base. For example, if you fly from Frankfurt to Las Vegas, you will be paid for every hour from when you arrive at Frankfurt to start your duty, to when you return to Frankfurt after completing the return flight. This can be quite lucrative if it is an extended long-haul trip that goes on for 7 days. Many airlines also pay bonuses to their pilots if the company is profitable.

Commercial Pilot Salary Breakdown…

Airline pilot pensions tend to be quite generous with airlines often paying an extra 15-20% of your salary into your pension. Airines used to offer final salary pensions but this is now less common due to the high cost to the company.



Top Level Captain Pay – it doesn’t come quick!

Whilst the pay for Long Haul Captains at major & legacy airlines is a large sum, it can take many years to be promoted to such a position. Regional, low cost and short haul generally steadily lose pilots to the major & legacy airlines due to the lure of bigger pay checks and bigger aircraft. Once at a major carrier, pilots don’t tend to leave until they retire.

With little in the way of company expansion, Captain positions only become available when another pilot retires. This is referred to in the industry as ‘dead mans shoes’. Promotion is based on seniority so it doesn’t matter if you are the best pilot in the airline; you will only be promoted from co-pilot to pilot (First Officer to Captain) when there is a gap to fill and this can take as long as ten to twenty years.


Wanna be an Airline Pilot??

We will show you how you can taxi to your dream runway

Wait for more we'll keep you posted :)






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Saturday 9 October 2021


 Dear Future First Officers,

Hope you are doing well, if the curiosity  to become a pilot is daunting and
bothering you  every now and then......


Wait is over....

Emirates Flight Training Academy is here to keep you flying high.

Take a Quick  Virtual Tour of the Academy here now

A first-of-its-kind training facility in Dubai

Why EFTA ?

The UAE has always been at the forefront in promoting innovation and education. Following in this great nation’s footsteps, EFTA is one of the most comprehensive and innovative flight training academies in the world. The Academy has been developed by Emirates airline, ranked as the world’s most valued airline brand, as well as one of the best and safest carriers, by a number of industry surveys.


Our fully-operational flight operations centre is dedicated to Emirates Flight Training Academy cadets  only, making flight training part of everyday life at the Academy. 

This means you will have the opportunity to gain a complete operational experience in one holistic environment.

Route to First Officer-

We advise you to enrol for our aviation course which is accessible 24*7 and the instructor ( ROD ) has taught 1000's of students worldwide.

1. Enroll for Private Pilot Ground School (40 Hour Private Pilot e-Ground School) 

2. Apply for cadet pilot programme with Emirates worlds top airlines in Dubai 

3. The knowledge you will gaining through 40 hour pilot course will immensely help      you in clearing the tough interviews of and airlines like Emirates.

4. The moment you clear the interview and training you are all set for a rewarding career with Emirates.  

Official Website of EFTA


Thursday 30 September 2021

1.47 Trillion Dollar Forecast by Boeing- Furutre Airline Pilots have something to Cheer

Boeing has forecast that airlines in China will require 8,700 new planes by 2040, valued at $1.47 trillion, to meet expanding commercial air travel demand.

The 20-year forecast reflects the market’s rebound and further evolution of its airline business models.

Boeing shared the China forecast as part of the 2021 Commercial Market Outlook (CMO), a long-term forecast of demand for commercial airplanes and services.

China’s economic fundamentals lay the foundation for healthy air traffic increases, including 4.4 per cent annual economic growth and a middle-income demographic that will double by 2040, according to the CMO.

By 2030, China’s domestic passenger market will exceed intra-European traffic; by 2040, China’s domestic traffic is expected to also exceed air travel within North America.

The CMO also forecasts that China’s civil aviation industry will require more than 400,000 new aviation personnel by 2040, including pilots, technicians and cabin crew.

“The rapid recovery of Chinese domestic traffic during the pandemic speaks to the market’s underlying strength and resilience,” said Richard Wynne, managing director, China marketing, Boeing Commercial Airplanes.

“In addition, there are promising opportunities to significantly expand international long-haul routes and air freight capacity.

“Longer term, there is the potential for low-cost carrier growth to further build on single-aisle demand.”


Sunday 5 September 2021



 If you're reading this page it's reasonable to assume that you have some interest in learning to fly or at least learning about airplanes. Considering that an investment in earning a private pilots license can cost anywhere from $7,000 to $9,000 and from four to six months of your precious time, what could possibly compel you make this choice? Here is a list of reasons you might consider.

A SENSE OF FREEDOM: The sense of freedom in an airplane is unparallel. You can walk out to your airplane, hop inside and head off in any direction you desire in these United States (with a few exceptions, like over the White House and other sensitive areas, of course).
   I'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO FLY: When I ask pilots across the country why they got involved in aviation, about 90% say they've always wanted to fly and knew this since an early age. Some folks want to fly but don't know why. So what? Who said you need a good reason to do something exciting? If you wan to fly then fly.
   ADVENTURE: If you like adventure then you'll love flying your own airplane. Imagine taking someone to the airport, hopping in a small two-place airplane and flying to another airport for dinner then returning later that evening. Would your friend, date, spouse or acquaintance be impressed? I think so.


Don't like flying the airlines? 

Consider purchasing your own airplane or purchasing one as a fractional owner (which reduces the cost of ownership dramatically) and using it in your business or for personal travel. As a private pilot, with a 200 mph airplane (a common speed for most small high performance airplanes) you can often fly half way across these Unites States and often arrive faster than a typical scheduled airline flight. That's a fact. If I takeoff in my Cessna P-210 (or A-36 Bonanza) from Southern California and head for Wichita, Kansas, I can often beat or match the total time I spend flying on a major airline.
Why? Given the required advanced check-in time, the typical delays and time getting your baggage and finding a ride to your destination, it's not at all uncommon to meet or beat these times when flying a small airplane. Of course, if the weather is poor, this will add more time enroute.

 Then again, really poor weather means no time enroute because that's when you hop on an airliner and let the heavy metal folks (and I don't mean rock musicians) get you there. It's undeniable that flying your own airplane as an options gives you much more flexibility and freedom that flying an airliner. And just in case you think there are not enough airports around the country for you to land at, you might want to think a second time. There are literally hundreds and hundreds of small airports across the United States that cater only to small airplanes.

   I LIKE A CHALLENGE: If you like the challenge of self-improvement, then learning to fly is right down your runway. The idea of being able to control several thousand pounds of metal and place it anywhere you desire on a runway is one heck of an accomplishment.

   BECOME SOMETHING NEW: Flying can give all people, especially young people, a sense of purpose. Read my story of Henry in the article titled Become Something New. Henry was a young man who had a serious behavioral problem and changed his life dramatically by taking flying lessons. Leo Buscaglia once said that when we learn something new we become something new. Learn to fly an airplane and you'll become an entirely new person.

 IT'S FUN: Finally, it's just plain (plane?) fun to fly. No further description is necessary.

Rod Machado's "FREE" Private Pilot Flight Training Syllabus